
目 ネオンブローチ

¥8,800 税込




●サイズ(㎝)縦×横 約6×10
Size is approx. 6cm H x 10cm L

※ Light Neon Accessoriesはネオンサインに使用されるガラス管を、職人が全工程を手づくりで仕上げたアクセサリーです。

This Neon Light Accessory is made from the same glass that is used to craft real neon lights by neon benders.


Due to the glass bending process, the piece protrudes slightly toward the back of the brooch. Each item is made by hand and will therefore display its own unique qualities.


This product is made of glass. For safety reasons, please remove it if any activity may break it or cause injury.


The metal fittings are plated. Please discontinue use if skin irritation occurs.

※同梱は2点(Elephant・Guruguru Big・目・溢れる涙を除く)まで

We can ship up to 2 items in one box (not including “Elephant” due to its size.)

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¥8,800 税込
